
Quick and (not so) Dirty - - Archived

A Simple Spring Cleaning List

Spring, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways: Sunny days, birds singing, April showers that bring May flowers, the anticipation of summer… oh yeah, and spring cleaning. While it might not seem like the best thing about the season at first, it’s a necessary event that will leave your home fresh and inviting. Here are some cleaning tasks to get done this season.


  • Rotate mattresses to help them wear evenly.
  • Pare down your closet. Donate or discard any items you haven’t worn in the last year or so.
  • Replace saggy or deflated pillows. Toss washable pillows in the washing machine.


  • Give bathroom cabinets a thorough clean-out. Toss old products and makeup, and wipe off shelves, drawers, and window sills.
  • Are your bath towels and mat looking worn? It’s probably time to replace them.

Dining Room:

  • Dust, wash, and rearrange the contents of your cabinets for a fresh look. Be sure to wipe down or polish interior shelves and walls.

Living or Family Room:

  • Organize and dust bookshelves, clean knickknacks, put some things in storage or donate to reduce clutter.
  • Give the floor underneath the sofa and other furniture some serious cleaning attention, especially in a house with pets.
  • Sofa and chair cushions and throw pillows hold onto dirt and pet hair. Machine wash covers if possible, or have them professionally cleaned.


  • Remove everything from the cupboards, wipe down the shelves, then return items in an organized arrangement. Check pantry for canned goods beyond their expiration date.
  • Set your oven to self-clean mode or DIY with oven cleaner. Wipe away cleaner residue, debris, and ash with a damp cloth.
  • Remove food, shelves, and drawers from the refrigerator, then clean them as well as the interior. Throw away old condiments and food.


Fireplace soot can be removed from brick with soap and water when scrubbed with a thick bristled brush.

Ceiling light fixtures collect airborne dust all year long. Clean them with an extendable duster. Remove shades to clean thoroughly. Use an appropriate cleaner on glass shades.

Hire a professional to wash windows and the exterior of your house, and to shampoo carpets and area rugs. For hardwood floors, vacuum up dust, debris, and pet hair, then use a high-quality wood-cleaning product to remove dirt and oil buildup.

By Audrey Ashe

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