
Finding Fitness

What Workout Regimen Is Best For You?


Every year, about half of people who make New Year’s resolutions say they want to lose weight or improve their fitness, according to a survey by YouGov. And by about mid-February, about 80% of those people have given up on their resolution.

This month, find the workout that you’ll actually want to do instead of calling it quits. Read on for some quick tips on choosing a workout regimen that aligns with your fitness level, lifestyle, and personality.

If You’re Out of Shape

Whether you’re recovering from an injury or simply haven’t worked out in weeks (or longer), you may feel intimidated getting back into a workout routine. Do your body good by easing back into exercise. Try walking around the block at your own pace. You could also try some bodyweight exercises like planks and crunches. These don’t require any fancy gym equipment, and you can do them anywhere.

If You’re Short on Time

You don’t need to carve out hours a day to work out — you just need to make your workouts as efficient and effective as possible. One way to do this is by using multiple muscle groups at one time. For example, combine an overhead press with a squat to work your upper body, core, and legs. You can even fit in a quick workout at the office between meetings. Do some pushups off the edge of your desk or a few triceps dips on your chair.

If You Want to Work Out with Others

Sweating with like-minded people can add to your social life and healthy lifestyle. Join or start a walking group in your neighborhood or look for recreational sports leagues in your community. From softball to soccer, you can find all kinds of team sports that allow you to meet new people and stay on track with your workouts. You can also explore class-focused workouts such as Pilates, barre, yoga, and Spin.

If You Need Extra Help

Book a consultation with a certified personal trainer. These experts will listen to your fitness goals and develop safe and effective programs uniquely tailored to you. Personal trainers also add a layer of accountability to your workout regimen. When you have a workout session booked — either in person or online — you’re less likely to skip it. You can find personal trainers at your local gym or through sites such as FitnessTrainer.com.

If You’re Bored with Your Workouts

Kick boredom to the curb by mixing up your workouts. Do you typically pound the pavement? Try swimming laps instead. Are you a regular in group Pilates classes? Do some solo workouts. And if you typically exercise indoors, head outdoors for a sweat session. Adding variety is one of the easiest ways to overcome boredom.

If You’re Ready for a Challenge

You may be feeling bored with your workouts because you’re ready to take them up a notch. If you’ve never completed a 5K, sign up for one. More than eight million people run 5Ks (which are 3.1 miles long) each year. You can then move on to a longer marathon or even a sprint triathlon, which includes a half-mile swim, a 15-mile bike ride, and a three to four-mile run.

If you want to take your strength training to the next level, consider signing up for a bodybuilding competition. Athletes compete in different contests, such as fitness, bikini, and physique. Whatever challenge you take on, remember to break down your goal into smaller, manageable components, so you don’t start to feel overwhelmed.

If You Need Tough Love

When your willpower wanes, march into a boot camp to get back on track. Fitness boot camps, which are modeled after military training, offer high-intensity interval training under an instructor’s direction. If you’re looking for a high-energy workout and the camaraderie of a group, boot camps may be good for you.

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